IPRO Web Editor
Jakarta - Composting atau membuat kompos dari sampah organik, merupakan aktualisasi paradigma baru dalam pendekatan penanganan persampahan...
Indonesia Packaging Recovery Organisation (IPRO) is a voluntary, non-profit, independent, and professionally managed, focused on increasing the collection and recycling of used packaging establish in August 2020. Our goal is to increase the collection of used packaging and recycled claims by verifying financial flows, adhering to social and environmental standards following international best practices towards a circular economy in Indonesia. IPRO is an initiative of companies that are members of the Packaging and Recycling Association for Sustainable Environment (PRAISE). Our Member
Dedicated to enhancing packaging recovery and recycling efforts across Indonesia for a sustainable future.
Engaging communities to raise awareness and participation in packaging recovery and recycling programs throughout Indonesia.
We promote effective recycling initiatives to increase the recovery of used packaging materials in Indonesia.